Saturday, March 19, 2011


A couple of days ago I went to visit the facility where I did the bulk of my clinical training, it's a fantastic nursing home for people with dementia, Alzheimer's and similar issues involving mental function. One of the residents loves to do water colors and he puts some out in the hallway for people to buy if they'd like to so he can buy art supplies and treats. He was having a really good day and we chatted about his watercolors and acrylic paintings, I ended up walking away with not one but TWO of his paintings (He's also a very talented salesman!) I can't find them at the moment, but when I do I'll be sure to share them here, his work is really good and totally deserves to be shared! One of the most interesting things about the people there is that you never know what they might teach you or reveal about themselves. (On another occasion, a woman who can hardly remember her own name most of the time recited some beautiful poetry for me on one of her better memory days. It was a wonderful experience to have her share that talent with me and I will always remember it, even though she doesn't. She was a housewife with a passion for writing in her younger days and also drew and danced. How interesting and I'm lucky to have met her!)

So, the gentleman with his paintings gave me the inspiration to try out some watercolors of my own. I typically paint with acrylics and I've taken basic painting in college but this was really much more difficult than I thought it would be. It may be that my paints are on the cheap side, but the colors got a little grainy when trying to mix them. I had a calla lily image I had outlined and decided to try out the water colors on it. For a first go, I don't think it's too bad.

And I also tried an abstract image, just to use up the paint I'd put on my palette. I don't believe in wasting perfectly good art supplies so I figured I'd play a bit.

I'm probably going to watercolor the sketch I've been working on. I'm really excited for sharing that, I've got 3 projects going at once and there just aren't enough hours in the day right now. Once I've moved maybe I'll get a chance to catch up on my projects. :)


  1. watercolors can be very rich, but you need to paint in layers and wait for the paper to completely dry.

  2. Reading your story about those talented individuals brought a warm smile to my face and sparked some great memories of similarly talented individuals that I was blessed to be inspired by. Thank you for sharing the story as well as your lovely watercolors. Hope your continued forays into watercolor surprise and amaze you.

  3. Look forward to seeing the paintings that inspired yours. It was interesting to hear about your patients, I have an Aunt who has just lost her memory to a stroke, it's the same for her it comes and goes. Thank you so much for sharing your images with us.

  4. I just love hear your story. Wow it’s amazing how we can be inspired by others if we just stop to listen. Other hold the key the pass and I know this to be true based on stories I’ve heard.
